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What is Diffrence Between Compiler and Interpreter

Compiler : Compiler is a program that can read a program in one language and translate it in to an equivalent program in another language. In general case, input program is called source language and output program is called target language. it may be machine language.most important role of compiler is to report error in the source program.

Interpreter : Interpreter is also language processor . it directly execute operations specified in the source program on input supplied by the user. it does not produce a target program as translator.it give better error diagnostics than compiler. because sorce program executes statement by statement.

Here we discuss basic difference between compiler and interpreter on behalf of there working :-

Compiler take whole program as input and then translate it in another language.
  Interpreter actually read input       line by line and translate them       if   they have no error.
Compiler is fast because it execute whole bunch of code once.
  Interpreter interpret input line       by line so it takes more time to     execute source program.
Compiler shows all the error after compiling program.
  In case of interpreter, if any line    have error then interpreter          shows that error before going to    next line.

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