C Program to check Whether Entered String is Identifier or Variable.
A string is called identifier when he follows these rules:
1. The first letter must be alphabet(both capital or small i.e. A-Z,a-z) or underscore(_).
2. After first letter it contains sequence of alphabet or digits(0-9) or underscore(_)
but not contain any special symbol(#,$,%,^,& etc.) and space( ).
2. After first letter it contains sequence of alphabet or digits(0-9) or underscore(_)
but not contain any special symbol(#,$,%,^,& etc.) and space( ).
C Program:
#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<string.h> void main() { clrscr(); char string[25]; int count=0,flag; printf("enter any string: "); gets(string); if( (string[0]>='a'&&string[0]<='z') //small letter || (string[0]>='A'&&string[0]<='Z') //cap letter || (string[0]=='_') //underscore ) { for(int i=1;i<=strlen(string);i++) { if((string[i]>='a'&& string[i]<='z') || (string[i]>='A' && string[i]<='Z') || (string[i]>='0'&& string[i]<='9') || (string[i]=='-') ) { count++; } } if(count==strlen(string)) { flag=0; } } else { flag=1; } if(flag==1) printf("%s is not valid identifier",string); else printf("%s is valid identifier",string); getch(); }
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